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【用于工作在1~2K温区复合制冷机的四级直流线性压缩机的耦合原则研究】【SCI 检索号: 000972675500001】
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【焦耳-汤普逊制冷机节流过程的热力学研究以优化氦气在2~4K温区的液化性能】【SCI 检索号:000997817800001】
13). Theoretical and experimental investigations on the piston offset characteristics in a four-stage DC linear compressor unit for a 1.8 K hybrid cryocooler. International Journal of Refrigeration,Vol.147, pp.153–162, 2023. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijrefrig.2022.11.003.
【1.8K复合制冷机的四级直流线性压缩机单元中活塞偏置特性的理论与实验研究】【SCI 检索号: 000956537400001】
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【2.2K五级高频脉冲管制冷机研究:理论分析与模拟部分】【SCI 检索号: 000923738000001】
15). Investigations on a 2.2 K five-stage Stirling-type pulse tube cryocooler. Part B: Experimental verifications. Cryogenics 129 (2023) 103631, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cryogenics.2023.103631.
【2.2K五级高频脉冲管制冷机研究:实验验证部分】【SCI 检索号:000922761900001】
16). Design and optimization of the four-stage recuperative coiled tube-in-tube heat exchanger for a 1.8 K hybrid cryocooler. Cryogenics 126 (2022) 103535, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cryogenics.2022.103535.
【用于1.8K复合制冷机的四级间壁式螺旋形管套管换热器的设计与优化】【SCI 检索号: 000837990600001】
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【四级高频脉冲管制冷机和焦耳-汤普逊制冷机组成的1K温区复合制冷机研究:实验验证部分】【SCI 检索号:000790574400004】
19). A long-life, high-capacity and high-efficiency cryogenic system developed for high-Tc superconducting magnet applications. IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity, Vol.32, No.6, Sept. 2022, https://doi.org/10.1109/TASC.2022.3153234.
【高温超导磁体冷却用长寿命、高制冷能力、高效率低温系统】【SCI 检索号:000766664300006】
20). Design and experimental investigations on the helium circulating cooling system operating at around 20 K for a 300-kvar class HTS dynamic synchronous condenser. IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity, Vol.32, No.6, Sept. 2022, https://doi.org/10.1109/TASC.2022.3156900.
【应用于300kvar级高温超导动态同步调相机的20K温区氦气制冷循环系统的设计与实验研究】【SCI 检索号:000770594300015】